Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Safari is being completed like a man on parole,

I want to be everywhere at once on this project! You would think I would finish the Cheetah spots. I have two issues with these spots. First, the lines that show up like they were drawn with a black Sharpie in this picture, are barely visible when you see this project in person and my Ott light is shining down on it. I have been working the gray/ivory, woven sections so my Cheetah section does not stray. Second issues is the lighter brown in the Cheetah spots eats thread. I am forever starting a new thread on this section. I have also spent a little time with the basket weave around the cats head. This is just time consuming and I do not want to leave all this fun to the end. I really do not mind doing basket weave and it is a good task when I just don't have the power to think...

Sunday, I must not have had any brain power or was it the wine? because I worked more basket weave on Lucy during the football games. I really did not accomplish that much but I wanted to show something besides Safari.

Pre-registration for EGA National Seminar in Naples is open until September 20th. I did sign up for a few classes, now it is wait and see what I get. I was picky this year and I did not worry about the days because I will stay at the hotel some days and my parents condo on day's I don't have classes. My classes were picked more on teachers and techniques rather than the love of the projects this year.

This weekend is Mayan Lighting pilot class. It will be fun! Hopefully, I will be able to share this project. This will be taught at NAN in March. After class, I am meeting up with part of the family for a Sox Game. This is my first professional sports game this year.

We are busy planning trips. We are working on our visas for Brazil, we booked our tickets for Thanksgiving and Christmas in Naples, FL, and I am working on a trip to Europe in the spring. I am going with my mom and we are debating between a tour through Italy or a boat cruise on the Danube between Prague and Budapest. If you have done either of these trips, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Hope you are not getting to bored with Safari. I want to get as much done as possible before seminar. Hope your week is filled with stitching fun!

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