Hi, I am happy to report that the last couple of weeks have been pretty big stitching weeks for me. I worked on my French Knot Pig. Since the last time I showed this project, I finished the sky, all the flowers at the pig's feet and some more of the green, grass. I love doing the FK projects!!

Windy City Santa has been around for several years. I know I am going to look like a kiss ass, but this is going to be a class I am taking with Libby Sturdy at the beginning of November. For some reason the top part of his lapel was confusing me. I wanted to get this in before the class because I knew I could do it if I would think about it a bit. Since the project was out, I finished the bronze stitching along the bottom because it was about half done. Then I did the shoes because that was mainly basket weave and up right crosses. I started the mittens but I think I will put this away until the class. I will be well behaved in class and work on the beard if I am ahead of the others. The beard is not done because I am not sure if I am doing it right. In Libby's picture you can see the gray outline. If I use all that thick wool, then the outline will not show so I am at a loss.

I got a couple pieces back from the finisher. Be Happy was finished into a scissors fob and Be Merry is a little stand up. Both turned out so cute.
Last weekend was the Windy City EGA Chapter's 30th Anniversary party. We had a very nice lunch and several former members were able to join us. We even got a couple of the ladies to come back to the Guild after a few years. Most were still stitching or working at their other art forms.
My weekend should be fairly quiet. I have our regular Guild meeting tomorrow and Sunday is the Chicago Marathon. I live at the half way mark so it is easy to get out and cheer the people on. I have no desire to run a marathon but I have a few friends running. After most runners are through mile 13, Bloody's and Mimosa's will be served. It is supposed to be a beautiful weekend!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. It may be our last really good one until Spring!