Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A three day stitching weekend

My weekend was full of stitching. On Friday night we went out for drinks with friends after work then dinner. I was home by 10 but I completely lost my voice so DH had a very peaceful weekend. On Saturday, I could barely speak above a whisper. All of this would not have been a big deal but I had to give a presentation at a church to raise money for the homeless shelter I work with. I squeaked my way through the presentation and hopefully raised some money.

Since I did nothing but stitch over the three day weekend, I accomplished a lot. I have not posted a picture of Beautie Spot by Long Dog Samplers before today. Over the Christmas break I finished fox in the lower corner, the little bug above the flower, and started on the strawberries. This weekend I made progress on the strawberries and some of the outlining. I enjoy the outlining. It is the filling in that really takes the time. This is a huge project and I have been working on it for a couple of years so you will be seeing this one for a while.

I also made progress on Safari. I finished the section with the gold diamond shapes and I put in the variegated thread around the diamond across the bottom. I am really enjoying this piece. Terri Dryden does a great job in designing so you have very little compensation. The design with the green silk is still not clicking. I really just need to sit down and add some of the white so I can visualize the the pattern. If I keep working on this piece, I should not have a problem getting this done as my guild challenge piece.

I really do not need anything else to do but I signed up for the Ort Box project with ANG Cyberpointers. I have not picked my colors yet. Someone suggested using an over dyed for the blackwork on this piece and I thought that was a great idea. I might have a sample of an over dyed that I bought that may be the right size. If not, the pattern called for Perle cotton and DMC. I have plenty of DMC and can easily pick up Perle cotton.

My other accomplishment this weekend was finishing Eclipse, the third book in the Twilight series. Loved it!! These are such easy reads. It was perfect for the Kindle. I will have to buy the last book in the series. I do not like to haul around large hardback books so that is why I have not rushed through this series. My next book is Shanghai Girls by Lisa See. I have loved all of her books so I am excited to get started on this one.

Hope everyone has a great day and maybe get in a few stitches. KMM


  1. I really like Beautie Spot. I really need to stitch this one. :-)

  2. Safari looks really good. If you like the Twilight series you may also like the P.C. Cast, House of Night series - Marked, Chosen, Untamed, etc...
    Happy Stitchin'...
    An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…

  3. I, too, had a long stitch weekend. 3 days and I stayed in PJs most of the time. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the great comment.
    Happy Stitching!

  4. Three days of stitching sounds like utter bliss to me! :D I just love your LD project.
